148_CAR_2017-07-19 Side collision between two cars on a straight road, dry pavement, street lighting, with two injured persons. The cause of the accident was the deprivation of a vehicle’s advantage. Date of the accident: 19.07.2017
22_CAR_2017-03-13 Head-on collision between two cars, on a straight road, wet pavement, cloudy weather, with one victim. The cause of the accident was a technical malfunction of the vehicle. Date of the accident: 13.03.2017
24_CAR_2017-06-02 Head-on collision between two cars, on a straight road, dry pavement, daylight, with one person injured. The cause of the accident was improper overtaking. Date of the accident: 02.06.2017
26_CAR_2017-07-17 An accident between two cars (detection of another road user) on a straight road, dry pavement, daylight, with one person injured. The cause of the accident was improper overtaking. Date of the accident: 17.07.2017
3_CAR_2017-02-15 Front-to-rear collision between two cars, on a straight road, dry pavement, daylight, with one victim and two injured. The cause of the accident was loss of attention and concentration. Date of the accident: 15.02.2017