439_CAR_2020-09-11 Hitting an obstacle off the road by a car without casualties. The cause of the accident was loss of control when reversing. Date of the accident: 11.09.2020
440_WALKER_2020-09-11 An accident between a car and a pedestrian, with one victim. The cause of the accident was an incorrect pedestrian crossing. Date of the accident: 11.09.2020
441_CAR_2020-09-12 Side collision between two cars, no casualties. The cause of the accident was deprivation of priority. Date of the accident: 12.09.2020
442_CAR_2020-09-13 Rolling over a car, with one person injured and two slightly injured. The cause of the accident was a loss of control in the speed lane. Date of the accident: 13.09.2020
443_BICYCLE_2020-09-13 An accident with a bicycle (falling from the vehicle), with one slightly injured person. The cause of the accident was cycling disorders. Date of the accident: 13.09.2020