725_CAR_2021-04-04 Type of incident: hitting an obstacle outside the carriageway, on the county road-DJ 411, with the cause of the accident: speed not adapted to road conditions. Date of the incident: 04.04.2021
726_CAR_2021-04-11 Type of incident: fall from the vehicle, on the county road-DJ 612, with the cause of the accident: speed not adapted to road conditions. Date of the incident: 11.04.2021
727_CAR_2021-04-11 Type of incident: frontal collision, on the county road-DJ 411, with the cause of the accident: speed not adapted to the conditions of road. Date of the incident: 11.04.2021
728_CAR_2021-04-10 Type of incident: side collision, on the county road-DJ 411, with the cause of the accident: irregular overtaking. Date of the incident: 10.04.2021
729_CAR_2021-04-10 Type of incident: hitting a pedestrian, on the county road-DJ 611, with the cause of the accident: irregular pedestrian crossing. Date of the incident: 10.04.2021