984_CAR_2023-02-23 Type of incident: hitting a pedestrian, on the county road-DJ603, with the cause of the accident: pedestrians on the road. Date of the incident: 23.02.2023
985_CAR_2023-02-28 Type of incident: hitting an obstacle outside the carriageway, on the county road-DJ601, with the cause of the accident: animals or other objects. Date of the incident: 28.02.2023
986_CAR_2023-03-07 Type of incident: front-rear collision, on the county road-DJ601, with the cause of the accident: failure to respect the distance between vehicles. Date of the incident: 07.03.2023
987_CAR_2023-03-09 Type of incident: front-rear collision, on the county road-DJ412, with the cause of the accident: failure to respect the distance between vehicles. Date of the incident: 09.03.2023
988_CAR_2023-03-15 Type of incident: hitting a pedestrian, on the county road-DJ 601A, with the cause of the accident: irregular pedestrian crossing. Date of the incident: 15.03.2023