1_WALKER_2015-01-09 An accident with a car and a pedestrian on a straight road, dry pavement, non-functional street lighting, with one person injured. The cause of the accident was driving under the influence of alcohol. Date of the accident: 09.01…
10_WALKER_2015-04-05 An accident between a car and pedestrians, with one victim – a pedestrian, on a straight road, dry pavement, no street lighting. The cause of the accident was improper crossing of pedestrians. Date of the accident: 05.04…
102_WALKER_2017-03-23 An accident between a car and a pedestrian, with one injured person, on the right road, dry pavement, street lighting. The cause of the accident was an incorrect pedestrian crossing. Date of the accident: 23.03.2017
103_WALKER_2018-06-23 An accident between a car and a pedestrian, with one victim and one slightly injured person, at a T-junction, dry pavement, daylight. The cause of the accident was an incorrect pedestrian crossing. Date of the accident: 23.06…
105_WALKER_2017-09-04 An accident between a car and a pedestrian, with one injured person, on the right road, dry pavement, daylight. The cause of the accident was an incorrect pedestrian crossing. Date of the accident: 04.09.2017